Vital Steps to Prevent Heart Diseases - Techchore
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Wednesday 22 November 2017

Vital Steps to Prevent Heart Diseases

According to American Heart Association's 2016 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update, one of every three deaths in the U.S. were from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. While heart disease was the No. 1 killer worldwide. Most patients suffering from this ailment tend to accept their fate immediately and give up on curing this disease or at least prevent it from getting to a critical level even though there are still some key preventive measures that can be taken to reduce this risk.

Image of Heart Disease Text

In today’s post Tips to Prevent Heart Disease, we’ve prepared seven heart diseases prevention tips to aid you in adopting a healthy lifestyle today.

Tips to Prevent Heart Disease
  • Always maintain a healthy weight 

We all know a healthy lifestyle can go a long way to prevent several diseases, but do you know that if you carry excess weight in your body it can increase your risk of heart disease? Guess you were ignorant of this, but now you know that excess weight can lead to conditions that eventually increase your chances of heart disease, diabetics and high blood pressure.

Image of a Weight measuring Machine

To watch your weight, endeavor to monitor your body mass index(BMI) which determines whether you are healthy or not. Standard measurement for a man’s waist is 40 inches and below and for a woman, it is 35 inches, anything greater than this figure, they are considered over weight. So watch out for your BMI now.

  •  Always manage stress accurately
In quest of living a good life, most people tends to go through a lot of stress in their work place, Managing stress is a huge problem these days, some people manage stress by smoking, drinking or even overeating and these are unhealthy ways to go about it. Stress could come in any form ii could be mental stress, physical stress and so on. Managing stress with physical activities or relaxation exercises goes a long way to improve your health.
  • Always avoid smoking or using tobacco

Image of Tobacco

This is the core point for developing heart disease, and this is what some people cannot do without! The chemicals composition in tobacco can destroy your blood vessels and heart. The more you smoke the greater the risk because carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke replaces some oxygen in your blood and these can increase your blood pressure which ultimately leads to chronic heart diseases.
  • Always consumes heart healthy diet
Some diets works really well in keeping the human heart in a very good shape, eating diet rich in vegetables, whole grains and fruits can help protect your heart. Avoid taking too much sugar in your diet and limit fats intake. Although cutting down on fats is a good approach but you don’t have to cut all fats, healthy fats from avocado, olives and nuts are just perfect diet items.

  • Always observe regular health check-ups
Most times people are caught unaware on the state of their health, some don’t probably know their blood vessels and maybe their heart has been damaged. To prevent this, regular check-ups at the hospital can keep you rest assured that you are doing just fine and otherwise it will alert you quickly to start the treatment procedures and how to prevent things from getting worse. It is important to have a blood pressure test at least every two years while an earlier test should be performed if you have a family history of early heart disease.
  • Always exercise 30 minutes on most days for the week
Image of an Exercise Event

Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease and when combined with physical activities like maintaining a healthy weight, then you are just perfect. An exercise of about 30 minutes at least four times in a week can aid in reducing overweight.
  • Always get enough quality sleep
Image of human sleeping

This is the ultimate step to keeping a healthy life. When one gets enough rest, it aids the blood vessels, veins, arteries perform well.
These are the perfects steps to live a healthy life and mostly prevent heart disease. Kindly share this article with your friends.

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